The Bruised Reed And Smoking Flax (1630)

By Richard Sibbes, D.D. (1577-1635)

In recovering this text (from a reprint done in 1878), I have endeavored to keep the original as accurately as possible while only making changes to those old English words that would make it uncomfortable to the modern reader. Beyond that much of the style of the 1600's is left intact and with a little help from the Lord, the reader will get quickly used to that as though observing another place and time in history. With that mindset, let us proceed to inspect the Puritan mindset laid out for our edification and understanding in this work as we explore the very nature and calling of Christ.

"A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory." — Matt. 12:20, Isa. 42:3

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