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Abiodun Jemilohun is a Bible teacher in Nigeria who believes in the simplicity of the Gospel. He desires to see the Church submit unreservedly to the authority of the infallible Word of God in all ramifications. He works as a University Lecturer and a Consultant Gastroenterologist in Nigeria. He is married to Morenikeji and their union is blessed with three children: Folu, Tosin and Tolu. They all live in Nigeria.

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TITLES: (available for free download)

  • Anatomy Of The Prosperity Gospel (2019) By Abiodun Jemilohun
    The main objective of this treatise is to conduct a thorough examination of the prosperity theology as it currently exists in the light of the Bible, the written Word of God, which is the only authentic canon by which the veracity or otherwise of all Christian doctrines and practices can be established. This book looks into over 200 scriptures in context regarding the subject matter.

  • Errors Of The Word Of Faith: Unveiling a Cleverly Concealed Lie (2019) By Abiodun Jemilohun
    This work is a continuation of the book entitled “Anatomy of the Prosperity Gospel”. Theology espouses several concepts that were hitherto unknown in mainstream Christianity. These concepts have now become so popular that only someone who is well acquainted with church history can discern them as foreign to the Christian faith. This volume is another genuine attempt to examine this theology under the searchlight of the holy scripture... (Click title to see more)

  • How People Prosper Financially: A Christian Perspective on Economic Prosperity (2019) By Abiodun Jemilohun
    The author through fidelity to the truth in the scriptures and the public sphere objectively disproves at every turn and rationally dismantles the “Prosperity gospel” narrative. The “Prosperity gospel” is anti-scriptural, promotes an anti-Christian work ethic, mystifies wealth, makes God a lottery machine and ultimately robs the Christian of the blessings that God has bestowed on honest labor and the joys therein. He went beyond that in this treatise to show how the Christian can actually prosper ... (Click title to see more)

  • Tithe and Giving in the Christian Church: Setting the Record Straight: A Biblical Exposition on the Doctrine of Tithe and Christian Giving (2nd-Edition) (2021) By Abiodun Jemilohun
    This book is a well-researched material that promises to enlighten anyone who wants to know the truth about the tithe and giving in the Church of Christ. An objective study of the book invites every reader to make an intelligent decision as it concerns their financial contributions to the wellbeing of the body of Christ. Without any doubt, it is the truth that sets free. An excellent resource material on the study of the tithe both Old Testament and New Testament. For centuries now men have been teaching that tithing has been mandated in the New Testament but is that truly what the Word of God says???

  • A Case For Another Reformation: A Call To Apostolic Christianity (2021) By Abiodun Jemilohun
    There is a simmering demand today for another Reformation of the Church. While the objection to the status quo appears to be global, Nigeria seems to be the epicenter this time around. Since then, many commentators have voiced their concerns through social media about the numerous erroneous doctrines and unbiblical practices that have invaded the present-day Church and demanded a change. Some people have condemned this new demand and labeled it “Church bashing” but a careful look at Church history suggests this response is incorrect. Considering the similarities between the state of the present Church and that of the Medieval Church and the timing, one cannot but conclude that, as chaotic as it is, this current agitation is not a coincidence. In this treatise, we shall attempt to explore the state of the Medieval Church at the commencement of the Reformation and compare it to the current state of the Church, using Nigeria as a case study, to see if the call for another Reformation is truly warranted.

  • The Place Of The Law In The Era Of Grace: The Road Between Legalism And Lawlessness (2021) By Abiodun Jemilohun
    This book is an insightful exposition of the Bible as it relates to the Church and the believing one.The book further reveals how God’s moral precepts, which are a part of the Mosaic Law, remain the precepts of the Church, though the Mosaic Law had been abolished by the death of Christ. Hence, the moral laws cannot be abolished because they represent God’s character. The book also deals with the twin extremes (evil pillars) of legalism and license that have torn the modern-day Church apart. By rightly dividing the word of truth, these extreme concepts of legalism and license are exposed. The value of this book cannot be overemphasized. Hence, it is recommended to Christian teachers, church leaders, young ministers, new converts, and all lovers of truth.

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